Events and Fundraising
Fundraising enables us to purchase new equipment, put on additional activities, and enhance the children's’ experience at Hanslope Pre-school.
Please see below the different ways that you can help.

If you have any genuine printer cartridges that are going to be thrown away, simply send them into Pre-school in a carrier bag and we'll do the rest.
It's a free of charge service & raises funds for Pre-school.

Whenever you shop with any of their listed stores, using the links provided on the easyfundraising site, you will generate a free donation for us of up to 15% of the purchase price.
It’s FREE to register and use, you simply shop with each retailer in the same way; easyfundraising records your visit to their website and rewards us if you make any purchases.
Follow these east steps:
1) Go to the Hanslope Pre-school page on 'easyfundraising' www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hanslopeps
2) Click on ‘Register as a User’ - the form will automatically choose ‘Hanslope Pre-school – Hanslope’ as your chosen organisation.
3) Fill in the registration form. It will only take 30 seconds.

You can order nametags for clothing, lunch boxes, shoes etc.. by going to www.mynametags.com they will donate to the Pre-school when you use our Pre-school ID: 44380.